Blogging's Not Tried, it is Merely Survived When You're Blogging Outside the Fire!
Seriously....Michael Richards has to be off his meds or something.
For those not in the know, Michael Richards (a.k.a. Seinfeld's Cosmo Kramer) was performing his stand-up comedy act in Los Angeles over the weekend. It was apparently not as funny as some people were expecting, so the heckling began.
The two hecklers that made themselves most vocal were African-Americans. can sorta already see where this is going can't you?
Richards just exploded on these guys, remarking how 50 years ago they would have found themselves hung with pitchforks up their asses. I don't know how many times he screamed the word "n*gger" during the diatribe.
[Editor's Note: The author finds use of the term "n-word" to be juvenile while at the same time finding the actual n-word to be worst kind of vile.]
Turns out Jerry Seinfeld was due to be on Letterman Monday night to promote the latest release of Seinfeld DVD's, so the world was hijacked by a hollow apology from Mr. Richards.
He said he wasn't a racist. Watch the video of his "performance" on It's hard for me to believe the video is of a man who doesn't have some seriously deep rooted prejudices. The words came out early, they came out often and there was a viciousness to the way he said them.
Now, this being American, Land of the Redneck, I've already heard from way too many people the ol' "how came Chris Rock and Dave Chapelle can make fun of white people" and "why do black people get to use that word" double standard arguments.
Of course these arguments come from white-ass, honky, cracker motherfuckers who have no idea what it means to be part of a race that has been victimized by slavery, overt racism and institutional racism for roughly....well let's see Columbus sailed the ocean blue.....anyway a long motherfuckin' time.
Whew....okay, let's get to the real point of today's blog, making fun of people with Down Syndrome.
So I was at Wal-Mart......
Anyone laughing already?
I was at Wal-Mart (lay off everyone, it's by my apartment and I had needs) buying some Super Glue. See I have these flip-flops I really like, but the bottom is coming off one of them.
Incidentally, did you know in Missouri you have to be 18 to buy Super Glue? Now I didn't get carded, but the register popped up with "Is Customer 18? and then gave today's date only 18 years ago for any cashier lacking the requisite carnival skills of guessing one's age.
What am I not aware of? Can one sniff Super Glue? It smells like shit. I mean, I sniffed it anyway...for the blog mind you.
So while I was strolling about, ever aware of falling prices, I walked past the music/video department.
Okay, so Garth Brooks' target audience probably does frequent Wal-Mart, but why must he crawl right into bed with Sam's progeny? I used to have much respect for this guy too. I've been to one of his shows. It was fun. Plus the guy is a marketing genius. From my estimation he has little talent either musically or vocally and yet the guy is an entertainment deity.
Currently you can buy, but only at your local Wal-Mart, a box set of Garth CD's or DVD's or something. All I know is every TV in the department was showing a Garth video of the song "Standing Outside the Fire."
The mini-film is the story of a kid with Down Syndrome just trying to fit in. I'm 86% sure the kid is actually played by Corky from Life Goes On, making this not only the greatest video but the greatest movie of all times....period.
The kid has this great relationship with his mom, but there is some concern when he signs up to be part of the track competition at his school. See the coach wants Corky to sign up for the Special Olympics.
Okay....I don't know how your high school was, but at mine one would try out for the track team and then the track team participated in track meets. Additionally, I can't say as I recall a sign-up sheet for the Special Olympics.
Well, Corky wanted to show the world he was just as good at being bad at track as everyone else. So he signed up for the regular track meet. This caused some concern for his father, who feared Corky would embarrass himself. Corky's mother knew the truth though. Corky's dad was more worried about being embarrassed by his son.
So we get this nice montage of Corky training. He's running sprints down the road with his mom driving alongside shouting encouragement. There's a cute scene when she throws a towel at him as he runs.
Did I mention the Garth Brooks song "Standing Outside the Fire" is about 39 minutes and 47 seconds long?
So anyway, the day of the track meet comes and no one is sure if this whole Corky thing is for real or not. The coach looks confused/amused while the other athletes just start uncomfortably.
You can see what's coming right? Corky shows the world what a strong heart and will can overcome in this life by winning the's the only possible outcome.
Except of course for one thing......HE HAS FUCKING DOWN SYNDROME!!!!!!!!!
So Corky falls down about halfway through the race and is slow to get up. His parents rush to his side and a quiet falls over the crowd of literally...dozens.
Corky is turned over and his face is bloodied...obviously from....well I'm not really sure why his face was full of blood.
Anyway, he doesn't want help. He can do it himself. He struggles to his feet and runs triumphantly to the finish line. The other runners, who had finished, showered and gone home, return to welcome him to the world of normalcy.
Corky then goes on to star in a series of McDonald's commercials, making the line "Welcome to McDonalds, how may I help you?" synonymous with faked retarded accents.
Okay....that was that. Really the main point of this blog was you have to be 18 to buy Super Glue in Missouri.
Til next time....enjoy your turkey...or tofurkey (if that's possible).