Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bandaged Hands Across America?

Got an idea I'd like to bounce off you kids.

I cut my finger at work today. I put on a bandage. It was one of those type that is flesh-tone colored so it's harder to tell you're wearing a band-aid from a distance of say 3 or 4....miles.

It got me to thinking though. Sure the bandage is flesh colored...if your flesh is the same pasty white tone mine happens to be.

Then it hit me....Black People Band-Aids.

Actually more to the point, Band-Aids for anyone who happens to not be white. Black People Band-Aids just rolls of the tongue better than Native American People Band-Aids.

Get back to me on this kids, but keep in mind this idea is now my intellectualy property. Any attempt to profit from this idea without allowing me to wet my beak will be dealt with harshly.



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