Monday, November 06, 2006

"Here He Comes, Boogedy, Boogedy."

Morning Bloggers.

Caught this news item today from the quaint hamlet of Nashville, Tennessee.

Seems a domestic liaison took a turn for the worse recently, and like all great stories from the Southern United States....a Waffle House was involved.

I should warn any bloggers who easily become squeamish or may have small children in the room, this story is of a sexual nature....probably.

The star of our tale is one Larry Boyd. Apparently Mr. Boyd is a fan of the blow, for after taking a "hit" of cocaine he flew into a rage, trashing his hotel room and allegedly attempting to strangle his female companion.

What do you think of the phrase "hit of cocaine"? I took that straight from the AP report. I've never heard the term "hit" used in conjunction with coke before. It strikes me as odd.

Anyway, the young woman, yet to be named publicly, escaped Mr. Boyd's clutches, running from the hotel and into the neighboring Waffle House where she locked herself in the bathroom.

Now Mr. Boyd, either being the persistent type or a fan of hashbrowns sliced, diced, chunked, covered and smothered, followed the woman into said eating establishment.

Did I forget to mention neither was wearing a stitch of clothing at the time? That's right sports fans, another Hong Kong haircut gone awry.

Mr. Boyd, due either to a desire for escape or a sudden bout of modesty, fled the scene soon after. Since we all know his name however, I'm sure you've guessed he didn't get far. Police pulled him over minutes later. He has since been charged with driving under the influence, resisting arrest and what police are calling "other charges."

Is there a need to be coy? It doesn't take Robert Shapiro to know some sort of indecent exposure charge is part of the mixed bag here.

Oh well, nothing earth shaking with this news item. Was going to blog about Saddam getting the death sentence, but wasn't this more fun?

Til next time friends Waffle House jingle is appropriate for pole dancing.



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