Thursday, September 20, 2007

Don't Give Me An "S"! has been far too long.

Happily enough for all of you however, I am marking my return to cyberspace with the latest installment in a semi-regular and ongoing series.....Today's Motherfucker.

Today we'll be turning our scorn toward one group of people and one individual.

First our group, Today's Motherfuckers are.....anyone and everyone that makes reference to the starting quarterback for the University of Missouri Tigers football team as being someone named Chase Daniels.

It is Chase DANIEL, singular and most certainly not plural. Everytime I hear someone say Chase Daniels all I can think is "Chase Daniel's what? His arm? Is he hurt?" Then I find out the person is just a dumbass who, despite Chase having been on campus for more than 2 years and garnering some notoriety, has yet to learn the man's name.

I'm guessing there are all the same people who live under the impression Mark McGuire once played for the St. Louis Cardinals.

Okay, with that out of the way, let's move on to our individul honors.

Today's motherfucker is also.....thespian James Brolin.

Seems the man best known for being Mr. Barbra Streisand was doing a radio interview to plug his new film when it was noted the day happened to be the 6th anniversary of 9/11. (And the 34th anniversary of the U.S. backed coup in Chile that led to the dictatorial regime of Augusto Pinochet in case you were interested.)

Anyway, once the particular date was brought to light, Mr. Brolin interjected a robust "Happy, 9/11"!

It is worth noting the radio station he was on is based out of New York City....oops. Not that it would have been okay if he'd been talking to folk in say...Omaha, but saying this to an NYC audience probably wasn't the smartest thing for Mr. Babs to do.

Once it was pointed out that his reaction was off the charts on the inappropriate scale Mr. Brolin did collect himself and say they were correct and it was best to "celebrate the day."

I'm sorry....did you say "celebrate" 9/11 Mr. Brolin?

It's all on YouTube. Go and see for yourself.

And that's all for today kids. But keep checking back, because your humble author in attendance at a most excellent performance by Wilco last night and plans on posting a review soon.

Here's to you Senor Salvador Allende.



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