Thursday, May 25, 2006

"America Needs You Harry Truman"

So I's feeling like stirring the pot a bit last night and I figured what better way than via my seldom read blog.

With Memorial Day approaching and the "United" States firmly entrenched in a foreign war, I felt this to be the most opportune time to present my case against former U.S. President Harry S. Truman.

What's that you say JeffRey, have you some inspired piece, outlining all the evidence of political graft surrounding Truman and the Pendergast family whilst Harry S. was a political figure in Kansas City.

No my friends, that would be another blog for another time. No, since the U.S. is killing Iraqi citizens by the thousands I felt it time to call out ol' Harry for the senseless, and illegal, killing of tens of thousands of the Japanese citizenry at the end of World War II.

Now, for those not in the know, August 15th is celebrated as V-J Day (or victory over Japan day). Now, in the week and half prior, the United (at that time the quotes weren't really necessary) States propelled the world into the atomic age with the dropping of atom bombs on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What would be the logical chain of events here? I'll show you:

Bomb Hiroshima--Bomb Nagasaki--Japan surrenders--slightly less famous pictures of sailors kissing women are taken

But what is the mistake in that little course of action you ask? Well how bout this sports fans?

Japan had actually made an offer to surrender in January of 1945. Yes folks, General Douglas MacArthur had in his hands an offer of surrender that, as it turns out, was pretty much identical to the one accepted by the States in August. But that is not all.....

In April the U.S. Navy laid mines around the ports of Osaka and Kobe. It was an extremely effective strategic move as afterward Japan was unable to send out supplies of any kind to its troops on the many islands of the South Pacific.

Furthermore, also in April Japan appointed a new Prime Minister in the form of Suzuki Kantaro, who did not allow himself to be controlled by the Japanese military interest as Hirohito had. In fact, Kantaro was widely known as a peace advocate. This was later proven by Japan's attempt to surrender through the Soviet Union in May 1945.

On July 11th Japan once again offered a surrender to the United States with but one condition. Japan wanted to keep its monarchy in place. Japan did offer to replace Hirohito, but did not want to lose their traditions. The United States did not respond.

Throughout July, Japanese officials made clear in negotiations with the Soviet Union (an American ally in the war remember) they wanted to reach an accord with the United States without further loss of life. America never responded.

The result?

--March fire-bombings of Japanese cities killed 75,000 citizens

--26,000 American soldiers and 21,000 Japanese died in the fighting on Iwo Jima

--39,000 American and 100,000 Japanese soldiers died fighting over Okinawa

--Finally the atomic bombs...used supposedly to prevent further loss of life (or American life anyway) and to make the Soviets more "manageable". Let's break it down.

Now you need to look at this through the eyes of the American leadership, who had yet to recognize a Japanese surrender. Numerous Japanese cities had already been destroyed through more conventional bombing. Why would destroying a city with an atomic bomb have any different result?

Also, why drop the atomic bombs on cities populated predominantly by citizens? Japan still had military targets worth destroying. And if the intended effect was to "shock and awe", a test over an less populated area would have proved just as effective.

That, incidentally, was the suggestion of those men involved with the Manhattan Project. It came partly through pragmatism and party through a fear of starting an arms race with the Soviet Union, who was our ally but not our friend. They feared the United States, with its heavily populated urban areas, would become a prime target for weapons of mass destruction. Hmmm....I guess it's too late to cork this bottle.

In May of 1945 General Douglas MacArthur supported a memorandum from former President Herbert Hoover which outlined a peace with Japan in which all major American objectives would have been met. MacArthur later said the losses in the summer of 1945, the atomic bomb and the entry of the Soviet Union into Manchuria could have been avoided. Wait a Russia in Manchuria. Could that have meant no Korean War, and more importantly, no Vietnam War?

Well as we all know the United States, on August 6 1945 dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. On August 9 a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. 200,000 Japanese citizens died. The lingering results were higher rates of cancer and birth defects. The bombs dropped "to end the war sooner" came months after victory in the Pacific had become a foregone conclusion. In fact, in can be argued the United States artifically lengthened the war by delaying diplomacy (namely the Postdam Conference) so that the bombs could be prepared in time.

Immediately following the first bombing former President Hoover said "the use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul."

Former President Dwight Eisenhower (a U.S. General during the war) when first learning of the intended use of the bomb "voiced to [Secretary of War Henry Stimson] my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use of a weapon whose employment was, I thought, no longer mandatory as a measure to save American lives. It was my belief that Japan was at that very moment seeking some way to surrender with a minimum of loss of 'face'. It wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."

Oh Harry fucked up buddy. And I'll not even get into your war with Korea, which was never approved by Congress, and which the U.S. probably could have won had you not hamstrung MacArthur.

But how is Harry remembered? With fondness, of course. So much so that both current Democrats and Republicans hold him up as what a President should be.

But I have to ask...did the buck every really stop at Harry's doorstep?

Take Cover


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I wish I was in Tijuana...buying Mexican Wellbutrin.

Buenos Dias Mi Amigos!

[Editor's Note: The author of this blog is, at best, monolingual. As such any mistakes in the sentence preceding this note are not intentional, and come as a result of either the author's ignorance...or the lack of a Spanish keyboard and/or SpellChecker.]

Okay, on to the business at hand. I'm sure you were all wondering whether your beloved author was in fact able to enroll in the mighty w.'s prescription drug health care program prior to the May 15 deadline. Well I have to say it was touch and go as I handed my application in right at the gun. Upon doing so I commented on my concern of being almost late. It was, sadly, at that time I was informed I was, in fact, about 36 years early. Hmmm.....I could sue over this. Especially if that pink tote bag lawsuit pans out.

Anyway the w. and the elephants claim 90% of America's elderly folks will now have their prescription needs met thanks to this new program. And in an unrelated story being old and sick is now lazy and un-American. Hurry up and die you social security draining, slow driving in the left lane, 50 cent cup of coffee wanting motherfuckers.

[Editor's Note: The lack of an exclamation point at the end of the previous sentence indicates a level of sarcasm from the author. Notice the subtle difference between said sentence and the following. Die you highfalutin, neanderthal sport playing, rich boy hiding behind your parents' money, raping motherfuckers!]

Yes friends a third member of the Duke University men's lacrosse team was indicted yesterday for the imprisonment and rape of an exotic dancer, or more to the point a black exotic dancer, or even more to the point a poor, black exotic dancer. The player indicted yesterday even had the balls to give a press conference, stating "you have all been told some fantastic lies, and I look forward to watching them unravel in the weeks to come.”

Now I don't speak highbrow, but on paper all I can see is black and white and each "s" sure looks more like a "$" to me.

Finally don't know if you caught this but King of Queens and Grey's Anatomy were delayed last night so that the w. might blow smoke up our collective asses. The subject being the caliente button issue of the day....immigration. Now looking past all the politico-speak of America being a nation of immigrants...blah, blah, blah, a couple of things are worth pointing out.

First, whether he wants to say it or not, six million National Guard troops being sent to the border represents a militarization. Where these troops are coming from...I'm not exactly sure. Enlistment is down amongst the masses. Re-enlistment is down among those already serving. The National Guard is being deployed abroad in numbers and for durations which are without precedent. Although it is worth noting I saw a very nice recruiting ad for the Guard prior to my viewing of the latest Spike Lee Joint, Inside Man (which I enjoyed quite a bit), so that will probably not do anything to hurt the numbers any further.

The w. did come out and oppose mass deportation of America's 11 million undocumented workers...or illegal immigrants...or can we still call them aliens? Anyway, as I said the w. definitely opposes that. I thought is was nice of him to mention that, especially considering about six months back the House Republicans (That would be your party George.) passes a bill that would have made each and every one of those 11 million, and anyone who assists one of those 11 million, folk a felon. Yikes!

That all said, the w. also opposes amnesty, or automatic nationalization of said illegals. He does endorse the current Senate plan, which would call for a Guest Worker pass of some sort. Now these guest passes are temporary, and as far as I can tell do not lead toward a path of citizenship. So despite what the w. says, a big chunk of these 11 million are going somewhere else if the elephants have their way.

So George and his band of merry fascists are stuck between a rock and the Sun Belt. If they go too hard on these undocumented workers, there is an ever growing community of Latino citizens in the U.S. who could get politically active PDQ. However, if they go too far the other way, which is to say if a single undocumented worker is given anything other than a set of shackles and a flight their own expense, they stand to lose the white supremacist, sort of Jerry Falwell like crowd the w. does love so very much.

I realize immigration is becoming a problem for these "United" States. How can we afford to provide proper schooling and health care for these people who are living in the country illegally when we can't afford to provide these things for the taxpaying citizenry? It is probably fair to say by enforcing immigration laws and policing the borders more closely we would lower crime rates. That said, I can't see myself supporting the deportation of anyone who came to America to pursue the so-called "Dream." Thankfully I won't have to. The Republicans will not get this right. It's not in their nature to do real good for real people. There's no money in letting all these people stay. So I bet the elephants make them go.

I'm just gonna sit back and wait for the fallout and when a new Democratic administration takes over when can just add immigration to an ever-growing list of Republican shit we have to clean up.



Wednesday, May 03, 2006

"Ten Ten Ten Ten for Everything Everything Everything!"

Hello my friends...Hello,

Don't know if you saw this but a commuter plane was forced to make an emergency landing yesterday in Houston after one of its tires blew out on takeoff.

Thankfully all survived. In fact, the landing looked pretty much like any safe landing any plane has ever made.

Don't tell that to CNN though. They covered this thing like the plane was one big gas bomb that could explode at any second. They followed the plane for like 20 minutes in air while the pilots tried to burn off excess fuel. All the while a ticker is running along the bottom of the screen telling us a plane is going to make an emergency landing after blowing out at least one tire.

Meanwhile, closeups of the plane show both tires missing from one side of the plane. Nice piece of journalism there.

So to make a non-story short the plane landed on its rims, safe and sound.

On to the real pointlessness of this posting.

Perhaps you've heard of this thing called MySpace? It's an online service which allows one to create a profile and keep up with friends, bands and groups who also have profiles.

I, in face have a profile of my own, located at the following:

If you have the time you can also look at the profiles of two of my fellow bloggers:


Mr. Hicks

Anyway, if you belong to MySpace you're aware of this thing called the bulletin board. Anytime anyone you've made a "friend" to your profile posts something to this board it shows up when log on.

I hate the fuckin' bulletin board.

If you have friends like mine you'll notice they clog your bulletin board with all these nonsensical surveys. "How kinky are you?" by the by should not be confused with "How dirty are you?" or "How sexy are you?" Even though the questions seem oddly connected.

You'll also see the results of all these little pop culture tests. Now I'll not bore you any further by explaining them all in detail, but I will tell you all about my personality.

I'm Samir at the workplace, the Godfather in films, I'd like to be painted by M.C. Escher, the Cure share my musical tastes, numbers 2 and 6 in my Top 8 have never dated (I don't think, Vinny and Fuller, any comments?), I am pretty random, I am a freaky kisser (yikes!), my summer ride is a Mini Cooper (Sweet!), my mixed drink is a gin and tonic (or at least was 5 years ago, try to keep up myspace), my candy is Butterfingers, I am moderately psychic, my Nintendo character is Link, my song is "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" which is a song I've never heard of by the band Relient K which is a band I've never heard of, and finally one day I'll have the job of detective.

So that's me....don't be looking for this on your bulletin board.
