Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Happy Trails......

Hey Bloggers,

I have returned to bring you your semi-bi-weekly dose of feel good socialism.

But first, I'd like to say goodbye to the Tom Vilsack 2008 Presidential Campaign. Governor Vilsack announced last week he was no longer in the running for the Democratic nomination.

I do have to ask. If you drop out of the 2008 race in February of 2007, nearly a year before the first caucus or primary....were you ever really in the race?

Actually, the timing may be a bit surprising, but once Senators Clinton and Obama joined the race Governor Vilsack's slim chances became non-existent. So now the remaining nominees can jockey for position in the race to garner Vilsack's endorsement prior to the crucial Iowa caucus.

Am I crazy....I still like Bill Richardson before this whole thing is said and done.

Watched the Oscars the other night. I thought it was a pretty good show. Ellen DeGeneres was exponentially better than I thought she would be. The interpretive dance was....interpretive dance, but not intrusive on the show.

I didn't really understand the choir that made sound effects rather than sing. It was like seeing 100 Michael Winslows doing their thing as they simulated sounds of wind and car engines, all the while re-energizing the mouthfart movement.

As for the awards themselves, I feel good for Alan Arkin and really good for Martin Scorsese. I haven't seen Dreamgirls as yet, but I can't imagine Jennifer Hudson was better in her role than either of the ladies in Babel were in theirs, but Oscar always gets at least one wrong.

The best part of the night though was clearly the rising superstardom of Al Gore. I tell you this guy could announce his candidacy the night before the Democratic Convention and still walk away with the nomination, but I really do believe him when he says he is no longer in the business of being a candidate. But it pleases me to no end to seem Mr. Gore prove time and again that Americans made the proper choice in 2000 and the U.S. "Supreme" Court robbed this country of what might have been not just a good, but great Presidency to open the new century.

For those curious about my endeavor to read every book I own, but have never actually read...it is still progressing. I am currently plowing through the tome that is Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell while at work, and George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia while at home. It is my sincere hope to deliver my thoughts on those and a few other books at some point in the near future.

I do apologize for the length of time that passes between blogs, but the Lovely Brook and I do not have the internet in our apartment, and opportunities for blogging do not present themselves as often as I'd prefer.

Til next time bloggers.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Re-enter....the Information Superhighway

Okay bloggers, your humble author has been naughty.

I know I've said before I would keep this thing up, and I continue to let you down.

Since it's been so long this blog will be a bit of a roundup, taking a sentence or two to let you know how I feel about some of the things that have gone on in the last few weeks.

Hold Your Wee for a Wii - Okay, I feel for this family....I really do. The lady wanted to win a Ninetendo Wii for her kids. But seriously, how could she have thought this was a good idea? Drink as much water as you possibly can and then don't go to the bathroom?

The worst part of all this is it makes me argument for water being a cure-all a little less hollow. That's right, forget about the dead mommy. How will this whole thing affect me?

John Kerry Decides Against Presidential Run - This move saves a good man some embarrassment and allows him to focus of keeping his seat in the Senate. With Senator's Kerry continued movement to the left, we need good guys like him in Congress.

Now if only someone had gotten into Joe Biden's ear before he made an assface of himself.

Texas Governor Mandates HPV Vaccine - From the "Holy Fuckin' Shit" department comes the news that Rick Perry, the Conservative Christian Governor of Texas (guess which party he belongs to), has mandated all girls in public schools, aged 11 years and older, will be provided with a vaccine for HPV. HPV is an incurable, sexually transmitted, virus that is linked to the development of cervical cancer.

Opponents of the vaccine, much less interested in human life than they are in putting their provincial views onto the entire world, feel by providing this vaccine the state of Texas is promoting pre-marital sexual intercourse. Sadly no one ever attempted to dissuade the parents of all these assholes from post-marital intercourse.

Colts Win the Super Bowl - I called for the Colts to win by two scores, which they did, but they could have easily won this game by 30 points. You will be hardpressed to find a 12-point margin that was as lopsided as this game.

Outside the on-field play, I felt Prince was very good at halftime though I would have preferred he play more of his own songs. I'm not normally a "watch the game for the ads" guy, but I did find the Sprint Nextel "Connectile Dysfunction" ad very funny.

"The Hitcher" Re-make - The Lovely Brook and I saw this one last week. I like the original, but I love this new version. Sean Bean (The Lord of the Rings, Flight Plan, National Treasure) scares the shit out of me in general, so his performance in this film left me just short of soiling myself.

Falling Ice - A Ford Mustang in Florida is crushed when a piece of ice the size of a football falls from the sky.

Jesus H. Christ.

The Police Re-Unite - They'll be performing at the Grammy's...assuming Sting's head is able to both fit in the door and on the stage.

Charges Mount Against Michael Devlin - He has now been charged with kidnapping the Lindbergh baby as well.

Sorry Bruno....

Okay, that's about all I have for today. Check back soon as I, and I promise, tell you all about my new job. This one may in fact be something of a keeper.

Also I have begun taking steps to read every book I own which I haven't, to date, actually read yet. Jaws and Plainclothes Naked have been finished and will be reviewed shortly. I am now taking on the tome that is Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

Later my friends, but not too much later.
