Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kirby Not-So-Upright

This just in news fans....

Legendary Hollywood actor Bruno Kirby has died due to complications from leukemia. You may remember him from such nature films as "Earwigs: Ewwww" and "Man vs. Nature: The Road to Victory."

Seriously Bruno was one of those "that guys" who will, unfortunately, be remembered more for his role in "City Slickers" rather than that of young Clemenza in "The Godfather: Part II."

So if you go out tonight, pour out a quick win for the Kirbster. Meanwhile I will be paying homage to the man by cornering Leonard DiCaprio in the shower and making a feeble attempt at first grabbing his nuts and then an even more feeble attempt at paying him to be quiet once he rejects my advances.

Til Next Time My Friends



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