Downsizing the President, tasty burgers and public's just like old times at the ballpark.
Not sure if you caught this the other day, but the "Supreme" Court of the "United" States of America struck down the military commissions president Bush had established at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for the purposed of trying suspected members of al-Qaeda.
For those unclear as to what that means, the Court has just told Mr. Bush he cannot run his little war of terror with no checks and balances anymore. From this point forward any suspected terrorist the United States has in custody will have to prosecuted under the rules of military courts-martial, unless Mr. Bush goes to Congress and asks their permission to proceed differently.
I can't explain how big a deal this really and truly is. Mr. Bush, under the direction of DICK cheney, had attempted to broadly expand executive power using the the current war as an excuse for unilateral decision making. The Court, which may be Supreme after all, has now said even the President of the United States must operate according to rule of law.
Incidentally, the vote went 5-3 with Justice Stevens writing the majority opinion. The dissents came from the usual suspects, Messrs. Scalia, Thomas and Alito. Chief Justice Roberts did not participate in the decision as last year he was one of a three-justice panel of the federal appeals court who ruled for the administration. In a totally unrelated story, he was nominated to the Supreme Court by Mr. Bush four days after having made that particular ruling.
This decision won't free all those being held as suspects in Gitmo, but does send the White House scrambling for a new plan at a time when pressure to close the military prison near Cuba is at an all-time high.
On some lighter news, the Lovely Brook and I made our way to St. Louis last night to see the St. Louis Cardinals battle the Kansas City Royals. To fully get myself into the spirit of the game, I dyed my goatee a very nice bright red hue in honor of Cardinals bench player Scott Spiezio. I donned my Jim Edmonds t-shirt and perched my Cards cap on my head as I readied myself for a day of baseball. Sadly much to my chagrin, the Lovely Brook chose to wear all Kansas City Royal blue in honor of her having lived in Kansas City...approximately 15 years ago.
The evening started out entertainingly enough as Brook and I pre-gamed in one of the Metrolink parking lots. For those not in the know, the Metrolink in St. Louis' one-track elevated train, used of course to make the city feel as if it's all grown up. One thing the city fathers did not plan for, however, was the consumption of ice-cold Budweiser prior to sporting events. Ms. Brook found herself in need of the necessaries, and finding none in the immediate area, proceeding to use nature as nature was intended.
I've long contended one of the greatest things about being a guy is that the world is, in fact, our toilet. Now, the ladies can lay claim to that as well.
I was so overcome in the moment I joined Brook in a chorus of public urination, although sadly my stream failed to measure up to the one created by her. (Sniff...tear)
Sadly the path of loss would only continue for me that night as my Cardinals were felled by the Lovely Brook's Royals by a score of 7-5. Further compounding my disappointment was the acute lack of clutch hitting by Messrs. Spiezio (for whom I'd dyed the goatee) and Edmonds (whose name and number appeared on my t-shirt). Happily enough my K.C. pal Fuller did call me approximately 11 seconds after the game ended. I'd snipe if it weren't for the fact Mr. Fuller's sports teams are, collectively, the most underperforming bunch of has-beens and nobodies around. Sorry...Fuller, but you do have this one day to revel in, so enjoy.
My father was also at the game last night, celebrating his 56th birthday no less. To further the celebration, dead old Dad bought us all some Hardee's following the game. It was at this time I found the highlight of the night....The Philly Cheesesteak Thickburger.
I had long resisted buying one of these things as I loathed the television commercials with those two cabbies. You know the guys who were speaking English, but with such heavy accents subtitles were actually necessary. Why did I deprive myself for so very long.
This is one tasty burger. I didn't even have the words after finishing it. It was like the first time I saw David Lynch's Lost Highway. I wasn't quite sure what I had just experienced...I just knew I really liked it.
In fact, my only suggestion for the Hardee's people is to add bacon to this thing. I actually made this suggestion to the Lovely Brook during the car ride home and told her of my plans to, at my next opportunity, order another of these tasty burgers and then bring it home to cook up some bacon for it.
At that time the Lovely Brook suggested I just ask the Hardee's people to put some bacon on it for me.
Did I mention how much I love the Lovely Brook?
So that was my day, Friday the 30th of June, 2006. It was the best of times and yet, at times, the worst of times, while reading the Times...all the time(s).
I just used the word times five times in one sentence.
Check back later this week or early part of next for a re-cap on the float trip the Lovely Brook and I will soon be embarking upon. Oh, and this Tuesday please don't forget the words of the noted educated Ginny Stroud, who taught us "when you're being inundated with all this American...Fourth Of July brouhaha, don't forget what you're celebrating, and that's the fact that a bunch of slave-owning, aristocratic, white males didn't want to pay their taxes."
Thank you and we are adjourned.
I would normally apologize for my actions....calling to rub in a is poor sportsmanship at its best. And I would normally agree with you that it is in bad taste. But alas, I agree with you that since my poor Royals are so hapless, and "should" be completely outplayed by your superior Cardinals (at least for now), I am allowed to be a complete fucking dick for 15 seconds or so. At least until the day arives that the two teams are near equally matched or that the Royals become the superior team. Someday close to when hell freezes over, I am sure. Just like in 1985. God I love Don Denkinger. And Bret Saberhagen. And no, I don't know how to spell either of their names. I doubt the opportunity for me to act in such a dickish manner will arise again soon. And even if it does, mulitple losses to my Royals, as several teams have witnessed as of late, is more than enough mockery in and of itself. At that point, you do not need me to rub the point home. You will feel all of embarassment's power without my assistance.
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