Friday, June 09, 2006

"Staring Down the Barrel at the Arab on the Ground."

Okay, non-combatants at home and abroad, before we get into the real business of the day, the killing of Islamic fundamentalists, let's make mention of a story that shows us the United States is not the only nation of infidels and hedonism.

Perhaps you've heard of this man Paul McCartney? He had a few hits back in the early 70' know, "Polka, Polka, Polka." No? "Twin Lakes Polka? Domavougi Polka, a.k.a. Kiss Me Polka? Polka Twist?" Some fairly big hits...sold 623 copies of Sheboygan. Very big in Sheboygan. They loved it.

Well as you may or may not know, Macca has split from Heather Mills, his wife of the last few years and mother to their 2-year daughter. Now, Macca and Ms. Mills had not signed a pre-nuptial, that's what she wants. So Mr. McCartney (whom I believe to be just behind the Queen, J.K. Rowling and Kristin Scott Thomas's brother in Four Weddings and a Funeral in terms of net value in the U.K.) is looking to pay out about 200 million pounds or Euros or what the fuck ever in a divorce settlement. Macca's looking a silver hammer right in balls on this one.

Or is he? Seems recently some photos have come to light. Now Ms. Mills claims they were part of a self-help book on sexuality, but unless she's looking to help strippers, hookers and the occasional dominatrix...I gotta call shenanigans.

These photos look like straight up porn. And believe me, I used to work in the business. Oh, incidentally, I know what you're thinking.

"Beloved author, Heather Mills lost a portion of one leg in an auto accident. Is there a niche market in the adult entertainment industry for that kind of thing?"

My answer is....probably, however, these photos of Heather were taken before her accident. So no hot stump lovin' for you today my friends.

If you're interested, the following is a link to an article on the story from the British Sun.,,2006250730.html

The British Sun, by the by, is a tabloid bound by...let's call them less rigid rules concerning obscenity than your typical American tabloid. In fact, a series of photos of Ms. Mills appear with some captions that really make me love the British. Among them:

"A Hard-core Day's Night"

"I Wanna Cuff Your Hands"

"Oil You Need Is Love"

"Please Sleaze Me"

"Day Whipper"

and of course, "A Ticket to Ride" and "Come Together" which now take on meanings I'm sure the Cute One never intended.

Ah, on to more pleasant topics....the killing of Arabs.

Oh, first, don't you miss the days when Nelly Furtado was cute and her songs weren't about raw fucking? neither.

I'm sure you all know by now, but Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed yesterday after the "United" States bombed his "safe" house.

[Editor's Note: You can decide for yourself which of those quoted words is more ironic.]

You may remember al-Zarqawi's named dropped by Colin Powell a few years back as proof of al-Qaeda's link to Iraq and the government of Saddam Hussein. See he was in Iraq, so he must be working for Saddam.

In a related story Tim McVeigh has posthumously been named Secretary of Defense. I mean he was in America, so he must be...working with the U.S. Government?

Nobody's arguing al-Zarqawi was a good guy. At least no one posting to this blog. You got that Keith Alexander? How bout you Billy Black?

[Editor's Note: Lieutenant General Keith B. Alexander and Mr. William B. Black, Jr. are the Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the National Security Agency. It is unknown if Mr. Black is, or ever has been, known as Billy to his friends.]

That all said, I'm not sure everything that has happened in the last few years, despite our having accomplished the mission a couple years back, has been worth one man's life. Especially a man whose name throws your spellchecker for a loop.

Did you like the tasteful way the army only showed us pictures of his dead body rather than wheeling out the stretcher for reporters. Much more discreet than the whole Uday and Qusay fiasco I'd say.

Is it just me or is there a chorus of words like barbaric and evil every time a dead G.I. is put in front of a camera? I know Americans are a cynical bunch and as the war becomes a larger clusterfuck every day the outcry against this administration and its staggering number of lies gets louder. So maybe W. and the elephants need their sacrificial lambs to put the bad man's body on TV to actually prove something has gone right. Still, seems a little grisly. And I'm not talking bears here people.

I can't see how this weakens the insurgency in Iraq. al-Qaeda has proven itself to be a pretty resilient bunch. There are a number of other Sunni groups who want the Americans out so that the Shi'ite government might be overthrown. You still have Saddam loyalists who don't seem to be showing any signs of giving up. This is news for today, but every time one of these guys with an eyechart for a name is sent to paradise to be with his virgins, another one pops right up...gun in hand and a brand new bullet point for the recruiting flyers.

I really don't see how the U.S. gets out of this cleanly. I was against the war from the start, but once we got there I've been against a complete pull-out as I have concerns over what would happen to Iraq now that we've totally fucked it up. But maybe it is sink of swim time for the new government. We wanted Saddam, we have Saddam. We wanted to get rid of the Taliban. When's the last time you heard their name outside a "This Day in History" notation? We wanted to weaken al-Qaeda? Whoops. We wanted to bring democracy to Iraq? So far...well, at least they had an election.

al-Zarqawi's death won't save one American life over there. How much longer can this war be a zero-sum game?



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