Monday, August 21, 2006

Immigration Bill To Cost U.S. Zillions of Pesos

Yes friends, you have heard it correctly. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the cost of the current Congressional Immigration Proposal and has come up with a tab of 49 Billion Dollars over the next five years and 127 Billion Dollars over the next decade.

The lion's share of those costs would go to enforcement of the borders, namely hiring more border patrol officers and constructing more checkpoints and detention centers. Spikes in social security benefits and earned income tax credits make up the majority of those costs not related to enforcement.

Just so we're all on the same page, the CBO has effectively told Congress their plan will actually cost, Eleventy Billion Dollars.

And sadly life has imitated "art." Maybe if Keanu Reeves gets Final Jeopardy! correct he can pick up the tab.

Incidentally, the CBO also predicts a "United" States budget deficit of, you might want to sit down....1.7 trillion dollars by the end of the decade, and warns the estimate could double if the w.'s tax cuts for the uber-rich become permanent.

Just so you have an idea of the numbers here, I'm going to illustrate 1.7 trillion.

1,700,000,000,000 !!!!

Now that's the American system of numerology, which is generally accepted by the scientific community, and in this case is actually a relief, as 1.7 trillion would look like this in Great Britain.

1,700,000,000,000,000,000. Wow! (By the way, this number would be known as 1.7 quintillion in the "U."S.

Isn't it fun to play with the numbers in the abstract? almost makes it worth it that I won't be able to retire until I'm 97. Which of course I'll never reach thanks to shitty health insurance and rampant pollution.

Okay, so the main issue of import here is this immigration proposal has caused a significant division in the GOP. The w. likes this proposal, but a lot of congressional elephants favor a plan, already passed in the House, which would make all illegals felons, call for the construction of thousands of miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexican border and put a stop to all guest worker permits. This estimate by the CBO will undoubtedly provide ammo for the jingoistic xenophobes. (I love buzzwords.)

Anyway, on the lighter side of the news, an Arizona man was killed today by killer bees.

That's right....killer fuckin' bees! Did you know the aggressive African bees known as "killer" bees were actually brought over to the Americas in the 1950's because the thought was they would provide more honey faster?

Well fast forward five decades and a man who was just fixing his roof with his father was stung more than 300 times by these honey-making superbees.

And suddenly I have a great fuckin' idea for a movie.

"I've had it with these muthafuckin' bees buzzing around this muthafuckin' roof!"

I see dollar signs. Oh, wait....Congress needs them.



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