Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I will pay attention in civics class. I will pay attention in civics class. I will pay attention in civics class. I will pay attention in civics class

Okay....not sure if any of you caught this but a recent survey showed one in four Americans (that would be a scant 25 percent) can name more than one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the "United" States of America.

However, of those surveyed more than 50 percent can name at least two members of the Simpsons family. (We're assuming answers were limited to the immediate family, but if you knew Abraham was Homer's father than you can probably name the principal five members anyway.)

Are you following the numbers I've just cast your way? If you put any stock in surveys the extrapolation here would be that more than twice as many Americans can name more Simpsons than they can First Amendment rights. It's times like these when I get really patriotic and my eyes mist over as the words to not only "The Star Spangled Banner" but "American the Beautiful" repeat over and over inside my noggin.

Oh, and incidentally, for those of you slightly concerned you may be quizzed later, the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment would the freedoms of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances. But I bet each of you knew that. Or if can at least name Marge's sisters.

We the People.....



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