"I Don't Know Why You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello"
Yesterday I's at work and a gentleman walked by the front desk. I greeted him with a simple "Afternoon sir." He responded in turn with an "afternoon" of his own.
Now, after he left I got to thinking. The entirety of our conversation was an exchange of the approximate time of day with a gender specific reference inbetween.
Yet....despite the brevity of said conversation, I was left with the sense everything about the exchange was normal, and I would assume the gentleman felt likewise.
Would this be because the "good" one might have expected before "afternoon" is implied, if not spoken aloud? Or does the non-specificity give the exchange a feeling of normalcy?
I'm inclined to go with the latter. I mean, if I had greeted the man with a "good ten minutes after two" I'm guessing he would have been left taken aback, even if the time had in fact been ten minutes after two. And if I had dropped the supposedly implied "good", I would think a greeting of simply "2:10" or even a "ten after" would have totally fucked with this guy's chi.
That said, after practicing the time specific greeting with some associates, I found myself liking what I heard. I've decided I will greet all acquaintances with the specific time of day. I'll, however, not be extending this policy to people whom I've never met before....at least not for now. I feel as if I need to build a groundswell of support for this new form of greeting first. This is where you all come in.
I need each of you to embrace this idea. It won't simply be enough for each of you and I to use these greetings/salutations toward one another. I need to spread this idea to the multitudes. I have confidence that, with the proper support/effort/determination, we can have this idea sweeping the nation...much like the famed second capital letter and I's movements have in the past.
So there you are friends. Go forth and prosper. May the power of a new American lexicon guide you.
Until next time.....five til 10 my friends, five til 10.
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