Thursday, October 12, 2006

Old man I take a look at your life, and I want to be a lot like you.

Hello bloggers,

Today's dosage begins with an item from our friends to the south, the lovely Cuba. Yesterday the Caribbean nation mourned the passing of Benito Martinez Abrogan.

Senor Abrogan's passing should not have been a big surprise to anyone however, as his reported age at the time of his death was a ripe....126 years old.

Now that's pretty fuckin' old.

Senor Abrogan was not officially recognized as the world's oldest living person as he had no proof as to his date of birth, but the man claimed to have been born in Haiti in 1880 and maintained good health through a diet heavy in vegetables.

Apparently Mr. Abrogan is not the only one to find a seemingly everlasting life in the former homeland of Hymen Roth. A recent study showed a whopping 2,500 of Cuba's 11.2 million residents to be at least 100 years of age. The study went on to say this unusually large percentage of centegenarians could be credited in part to a society that generally eschews excessive amounts of alcohol but does enjoy a steady diet of coffee, cigars and sexual intercourse.

Hmm...maybe this whole Communism thing isn't such a bad gig after all.

Okay, quick round-up on the political front. Former Virginia governor Mark Warner is set to announce today he will not seek the Democratic nomination for the Presidency in 2008. As yet no specific reasons as to why he won't be running have been released. Governor Warner was seen as a potential centrist alternative to Senator Clinton for Democratic voters.

The University of Missouri-Columbia has decided complimentary condoms will not be provided in its dorms. In an related story, it is now predicted fewer University of Missouri-Columbia alumni will live to be at least 100 years of age.

And finally the Supreme Court this week decided without comment to not hear the appeal of Sandra Cano. Ms. Cano was the "Mary Doe" of Doe v. Bolton, the companion case to the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. Ms. Cano, who insists she never wanted an abortion, has long been a pro-life spokesperson and sought the appeal in an attempt to overthrow the entire Roe v. Wade ruling.

While the Court did not comment as to why it will not hear the case, I'm guessing the reasoning would be along the "get fucking real" line of thinking.

Strangely, or maybe not so strangely, enough, Norma McCorvey (a.k.a. Roe) also asked the Supreme Court to appeal the case. In Ms. McCorvey's case the attempt came up several years ago. The Court declined to hear her appeal as well, some nonsense about not really being able to appeal a Supreme Court's previous decision in the same fucking case. All of which makes Ms. Cano either very determined or a zealot who really doesn't care about anything and anyone other than her own right-wing, provincial agenda.

Not that I feel that way.....but I actually do. Ms. Cano, there are plenty of other abortion cases to go before the Court. We don't need you trying to convince the Justices they have the power to directly overturn cases heard by previous Courts. The next thing you know slavery will be legal again.

That's all for today kids, but tune in next week when I break down The Departed, the latest feature film from director Martin Scorsese.


R.I.P. Corey Lidle


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