Friday, January 20, 2006

"We got to stop this messin' around, and keep the thing up tight."

A quick moment please for the great Wilson Pickett.

So my plan with this blog thing has been to write no more than one per day. However, I read the news and, well...gosh darn it there are just so many things to talk about with my friends.

Don't know if you caught this last week, but the "United" States "Supreme" Court handed down a ruling in support of an Oregon state law which allows for the prescription of pills that allow for terminally ill patients to take their own lives.

Oregon is the only state with this "assisted suicide" law on the books, and since the law's passage it has been the target of the Bush administration. Former (thankfully) attorney general John "Sieg Heil" Ashcroft even went so far as to threaten the medical licenses of any doctors who wrote prescriptions for these drugs.

Did I mention this law was passed by a vote of the Oregonian citizenry? Did I mention how much fun it is to say the words Oregonian Citizenry? The majority of the people of the state of Oregon felt this law was in their best interest. Of course Fuhrer Ashcroft, being both Republican and a devout Bible-thumper, has a much better idea of what is best for you than you, yourself ever could. So he attacks the law. He attacks anyone following the law.

Finally, thankfully cooler heads have prevailed. The court, in a 6-3 decision, upheld the Oregonian law as a state's rights issue. Among the dissenters were our new Chief Justice and, of course, Antonin Scalia. The pleasant surprise was the vote of Justice Kennedy, who appears primed to slide into the the "swing vote" chair soon to be vacated by Sandra Day O'Connor.


Now earlier this week the Court handed down another ruling in favor of all us progressives who have dedicated our lives to the betterment of all peoples.

Many states have clauses calling for parental notification or support in order to provide abortions to teenagers. Now these clauses also provide exemptions should an abortion be necessary to save the life of the mother. A New Hampshire law provided no such exemption within its parental notification clause.

A lower court threw out the entire clause for lacking this exemption.

The "Supreme" Court, which has supported a woman's right to choose since the Roe v. Wade decision, sort of split the difference here. It agreed with the lower court's ruling that an exemption would be necessary to such a clause, but it returned the case to the lower court asking it to re-consider throwing out the entire law.

In summary: It may be in the best interest to notify parents of teens seeking an abortion, but not at the possible expense of the teen's life.


In Jefferson City, MO. a judge ruled in favor of a group seeking to get a stem-cell research initiative on the ballot this November. The case had gone to court over the wording of the title of the initiative.

See the wording of the title says human cloning will be banned. Now compare that to how the bill's opponents want the wording.

Opponents want it to read "all scientific progress since we discovered Earth was round should be banned."

See the difference there?

To be fair the bill does provide for some sort of research called "somatic cell nuclear transfer." Those words, I'm told, do mean cloning, and it was through this process Dolly the sheep was created. However, the initiative also states "no person may clone or attempt to clone a human being."

I know what you're thinking. Where's Weird Al when we need him? "I think I'm a clone now. There's always two of me just hangin' around. I think I'm a clone now. Cause every chromosome is a hand me down."

[Editor's Note: The author claims no specific knowledge of Weird Al lyrics. Should the above lyrics be incorrect, please interpret the quotation marks as an attempt on the author's part to further distance himself from Weird Al and all his demonic supporters, notable among them the E-squared.]

Okay kids those were just a few things caught on my radar in the last few days. Now...I'm gonna strut. No wait...I'm gonna listen to Wilson and just relax.

Til next time my pretties.



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