Thursday, December 15, 2005

Five Things You Don't Need to Know About Me

Okay, this posting idea comes from my friend Jenn. It's a little get-to-know-ya kind of thing.

Here's how it goes:

[TAG] THE RULES:The first player starts with the topic "5 random/weird facts about yourself." The people who get tagged next need to post an entry about their 5 random facts as well as state these rules clearly. In the end, you must post the names and/or blogs of the 5 people you wish to tag. Leave a comment saying "You are tagged" on their blog and tell them to read your site

Okay....Here We Go!

Fact Numero Uno: At night I will set my alarm clock, but then feel the need to check it over and over again to make sure it is, in fact, set and moreover is set for the proper time. I will check it despite knowing it is set properly. I will check it again even though I've just checked. I will turn off the alarm and then re-set it just to make sure I did it properly the first time. I cannot stop myself from doing this. By the time I've gone to sleep I have set, checked and re-set the alarm at least a dozen times.

Fact Nummer Zwei: I hate the feeling of velvet. Any time I touch velvet I, for reasons totally unknown to me, get the sensation I would imagine having if I were to put said velvet item in my mouth. That is no lie. I touch velvet and the sensation spreads directly to my mouth and it bothers me to know end. Sometimes just looking at something which appears to be made of velvet can cause this sensation. And yet, one of my favorite bands is the Velvet Underground. I don't get it either.

Act-Fay Ee-Thray: If I were half as smart and half as funny as I think I am, I would be the smartest and funniest person to ever live in the history of time. As it is, I am only the smartest and funniest person I've ever met. Can you meet yourself?

Fact-tastic 4: I named every car I ever owned and either wrecked or ran them all into the ground. I have yet to name my Honda Civic anything other than...the Honda, and it is running like John Ashcroft to a Klan meeting.

Obscure bit of Trotter Knowledge #5: I lived in Minnesota for 13 years and never once went skiing, and only attempted waterskiing once. In the land of snow and lakes I only attempted any form of skiing once in my life. Now, I blame my parents and their land of dirt, west-Texas upbringing, but surely I could have piggy-backed with someone for whom the Land of Jesse Ventura and Indian casinos was native land. And now, I am far to fearful of broken limbs and intense levels of embarrassment to learn either form of skiing. It is a gaping hole in my life I fear will never be filled.

OK, the rule is to post 5 other people's names or something. Totally not gonna do that, but I will send out a shout to Jennifer for inspiring this post. You may find her at the following:



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