Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Two Hearts Beat as One (aka When Love Comes to Town Part 2)

If you're reading this first...don't. Read the last post first.

So here is what I mean by excited. Imagine this, if you will.

I'm lying in bed about to go to sleep. Now, I never go to bed before 1 a.m. and I typically have to work at 7 a.m., so sleep is key if I'm to have anywhere near a non-homicidal day.

Now, in order to get to sleep I need to, for the most part, clear my head of thoughts. For those of you who know me, this may seem a daunting task. It's actually pretty easy. But follow me.

Since I've been speaking with Brook more often and talking with her on the phone everyday (Which, incidentally is something I never thought I'd enjoy with anyone, but I do in fact like it.), I find myself more often at night about to get to sleep and then something will happen. I'll think of something Brook said to me, or maybe something I want to tell her about. Then that will lead to me remembering something we did the last time I was in Springfield. Then that leads to thinking about what I want to do the next time she's in Columbia. So all these thoughts start flowing through my mind and I know sleep is out of the question for the next couple of hours at least.

But peep this...it doesn't bother me. Even though I know I'll be tired and cranky and feelin' like shite at work all day, I don't want to stop thinking about Brook. I get all these feelings inside. It's the excitement, but it's also those small levels of fear and anxiety. It's happiness and nervousness. It's all the best feelings that let someone know they are alive and not just living. There is a difference.

So there you have it. That was a bit of a ramble, but here is the gist. I am totally in love with Brook.

So imagine my intense level of pleasure when it was Brook who became the first to say the words aloud. Now the number of people who've told me they love me can be measured literally in the pairs and pairs of people. Now most of those people are related to me and are bound by some sort of cosmic law to say those words, but I generally believe them.

Never has hearing them caused any level of feeling close to what I felt when Brook said them.

So, yes, it is true. The misanthrope you all thought you knew is in love. He is happily in a relationship. Which incidentally has led to the name change of the blog. Any better suggestions are welcome as are answers to this question. What did they call narcissists before Narcissus lived?

I now find myself wanting all these things I used to make fun of in couples. I am thinking of and planning a future that does not include me in the center of the universe. I am in love with Brook.

Oh, by the way everyone, Brook now reads the blog and I am not really certain if this semi-public declaration will cause her any level of...embarrassment is probably the proper word here. So if I tame down these thoughts in the future, know it comes not from a lessening of feeling, but more from a sense of.....well, no word comes to mind, but you know what I mean. It's not like people walk through the mall yelling I love you to their boyfriends and girlfriends.

So here you are faithful readers. This has been a glimpse into my life that I share with you because I am too excited to keep all these thoughts inside my head. I love Brook because she is smart. She is funny. She is kind. She finds me funny and when she doesn't pretends very well. She has great taste in music, books and film. She has that same enthusiasm for things I have. She loves living life in every way. Not just the big exciting ways that become epic tales. She finds the excitement in the smallest, most ordinary everyday things.

OK, I could go on, but you should really just meet her. She is fantastic.

You have a good night.


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