Thursday, May 17, 2007

R.I.P. Doctor Reverend Jerry Falwell

[Editor's Note: "P" is for Purgatory.]

Hey kids!

Let me first begin by informing you it is my sincere hope to have the final installment of the Memphis in May re-cap up by the end of the weekend. In the interim, I could not possibly allow the passing of a senior Gestapo official to go unrecognized.

It's funny, because generally speaking I'm of the opinion that when someone dies, no matter who that person may have been, it's a little bit sad.

Then the Reverend Jerry Falwell kicks the bucket and makes that assertion about as valid as the Doctor title he so loved to apply to himself.

[Editor's Note: The Reverend Falwell was given honorary doctorates by three different theological schools, including one in South Korea. Only one of the three schools, Temple Baptist Seminary in Tennessee, is accredited. It is worth mentioning however Temple Baptist's accreditation does go all the way back to the year....2000. In an unrelated story, as your author was often called Mr. T. by teachers in grade school he will now officially assume the title of "Pitier of Fools."]

Seriously, how can one not rejoice when a famed racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, hate and fear mongering motherfucker goes the way of the dodo?

[Editor's Note: The term "motherfucker" in the sentence prior is a shout out to the esteemed Mr. Flynt. May your colostomy bag be emptied on the not so good reverend's grave.]

I would list all of Mr. Falwell's (he is undeserving of any title) failures as a human being, but this computer lacks the bandwidth. So let's hit the highlights...

  • He spearheaded production of The Clinton Chronicles, an "investigative" report alleging former U.S. President and all around great man Bill Clinton had aide Vince Foster killed and was involved in an intricate cocaine smuggling ring.
  • He blamed the attacks of 9/11 on, make sure you get all of these, "the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians, the ACLU and the People For The American Way." Extra points deducted from Mr. Falwell for excessive use of the word "and."
  • He accused the noted personality of children's entertainment Tinky Winky of being a hidden homosexual influence on children.
  • He asserted when the Antichrist does come he "must be, of necessity, a Jewish male."
  • He encouraged American investment in the Apartheid-era South Africa, labelling Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu a phony in his representation of the black people of South Africa.
  • He was for many years a strong supporter of segregation and denounced the Supreme Court for turning its back on god's word in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling.

Wow, makes you wonder how he died of cardiac arrest. The fucker didn't have a heart.

Okay, I'm done. Fuck this guy. I'm honestly glad he's dead. The world is legitimately safer without him around.



Blogger studymore said...

I see that the hatred that is commonplace in the left has infested your mind as well. As a right-winger myself, I believe that every human life reguardless of how insignificant has intrinsic value. I am truly saddened at the loss of anybody. I will mourn the loss of the contributions of John Shelby Spong when he passes away as much as I have mourned the contributions of men like Jerry Fallwell. Both of these men have shaped the way I think today.

You are living evidence that left-wingers do not want dialogue. If Jerry Fallwell was so wrong, then it is your job to prove it. On the right, we encourage intellectual discourse. That is why we have a wide variety of opinions expressed. We must continue to challenge our thoughts if we want to be sure that we are making the most rational decisions. Since liberalism is largely based on emotion, it stands to reason that reason would not be the medium by which you attempt to communicate in the realm of ideas. But, hate just seems so ironic, since the left seems to say they are more peaceful and tolerant.

3:30 PM  

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