Friday, May 04, 2007

"There ain't no place I'd rather be."

Hey kids...couple of quick hitters today.

We're setting a Today's Motherfucker first by naming three recipients today. They are, in no particular order....

The prick in D.C. who's suing some old Korean couple of 65 million dollars....because their dry cleaning place lost a pair of his pants.

My asshole neighbor who can't park his car for shit. We have assigned spots in our lot. He parks to me left and puts his passenger side tires right on the yellow line. Now the Lovely Brook parks to the right of me so I can't just move my car over as that will make me her Today's Motherfucker.

So instead I have to make like one of the Duke boys multiple times a day.

[Editor's Note: By Duke boys the author is referring to Bo and Luke and not David...and most certainly not Coy or Vance.]

Our third Today's Motherfucker is whoever got gas at the BP on Providence before I did this morning. I take the nozzle from it's home and gas splashes out on me. Doesn't everyone after you stop pumping you tilt the nozzle up to get the last bit out. It's wise from both a safety and economic point of view.

So now I smell like an arsonist meanwhile as far as I know someone just tried killing me in a random act of violence.

Anyway....the Lovely Brook and I are about to leave town and make our way to Memphis for the annual Beale Street Music Festival. Our good friend Mr. Tippit will be joining us. Should the hotel we're staying at have a computer for patrons to use I'll provide daily updates. If not, you'll have to wait til Monday.

Until next time, keep your pants might save someone 65 million dollars.



Blogger J.W. Bertz said...

Paris Hilton (and her mother) should be your next TODAY'S MOTHERFUCKERs. The disdain those two have for the law is enough to make me puke. That's why I myself will never spend money in a Hilton hotel.

As a former foot-soldier of the Hilton empire, what are your thoughts?

5:00 PM  

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