Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"Tomato, Tomahto. Potato, Potahto...."

Just a quick aside for this post faithful readers.

I was recently sent an e-mail by my good friend the Big O from K.C. It was a cute little internet game that computes one's speech as being either Yankee or Rebel.

The site incidentally, can be found at the following link:

However, for those of you disinclined to following said link and taking said test, allow me to sum it all up for you. By asking the way you might pronounce words like "aunt" or "creek" and by determining the generic word you might use for Coca-Cola (i.e. pop or soda) this test determines whether you might be better understood in say, Boston, or perhaps maybe Biloxi.

Now, I have long prided myself in having an accent and vernacular that is a hodge-podge of Americana. You see I was born in Kansas to parents from Texas, spent my youth in Minnesota and have spent the last decade in mid-Missouri. So I was not surprised to see my speech score come out to 60% rebel, which according to the scoring on the test, places me right on the Mason-Dixon line.

So feel free to follow the link and compute your relative Yank-ness. Please no lying, as you will only be cheating yourselves. Until next time dear reader I say....ya'll come back now, y'hear?!?!


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