Hey!! It's that guy!
There is a play touring college campuses (campii?) depicting the Scopes Monkey Trial. The script, as it were, is the actual court transcript. So the actors are staying in my hotel for the next few days. Guess who I've met.
The mom from the Wonder Years!! The tour manager claims she has a name, but I'm fairly certain if I were to check her ID it would, in fact, read "Mom from Wonder Years."
Guess who else is in the play. Morgan Shepperd, who, of course, appeared in an episode of the wonderfully fantastic and short-lived television drama "American Gothic", produced by Sam Raimi and starring Gary "Lumbergh" Cole. Did you know he was up for Miami Vice and lost the part to Don Johnson? Anyway....
The other person I recognized was a man named Kevin Kilner. I know what you're thinking, but follow me here. Figuratively I mean....cause I have mace.....not really but don't fuckin' follow me.
Did you see American Pie 2? You know the part when Stifler, Shitbreak and Piefucker are in the house and the supposed lesbians are broadcasting on the radio? Well there is a dad making some BBQ who has to take his son's walkie talkie away because of the dirty talk. That dad is Kevin Kilner.
So I'm going the play on Tuesday. Might review it at this site...might not. You'll have to check back.
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